Less is MORE
Yes, it's true... Less IS more!
What in the world am I saying here? Well, I had this mental flash today, let me try to explain.
In all that we do here, with the Gadgetman Groove, the SnakeOil product line, and also in the Extra tips I share with every customer, the idea exists, even dominates. But I must explain further, first.
Before Less is More came to me, I realized a basic concept in science. Nature uses energy to do things, but often to the opposite compared to how we Humans often do. See, there is the thing called the Gradient. This means, it's easier to go “downhill” than up. Huh?? When you think of Power, you are likely thinking of a positive use of force. You push the gas pedal to have the engine burn more fuel faster, to speed up. You push the driver door closed, or lift the tailgate on the truck to close it. If someone's car was stalled in an intersection, maybe you helped push it to the curb. When your fuel burns in the cylinders to power the vehicle, it is exploding (at least most think of it this way) in the combustion chambers. Fireworks explode above us in the sky on the Fourth of July. A jetliner captain opens the throttles on the engines, to push the plane down the runway for takeoff. Think of these as “uphill” use of energy, in opposition to some kind of static resistance. The Gradient, is “uphill”, against gravity, friction, air resistance, or whatever must be overcome to achieve what we want to do. Think of Pushing here.
Of course, it is easier to push a shopping cart down a slope on the store parking lot than up, right? You throw a ball up in the air, and gravity brings it back to the ground. With the ball, think of “push-pull”. You expended muscle energy (the push) throwing the ball. Gravity “pulled” the ball to the ground. You can toss that ball up a hundred times till you're worn out, but Gravity is always ready for more. Nature us usually wins! She uses both Push and Pull kinds of energy, put another way, Explosive and Implosive. Uphill or downhill. Explosive is illustrated by a volcanic eruption. I might be corrected by a scientist- but I think of an earthquake as a downhill or Implosive event. Why? Because an earthquake is the release of stored energy in a fault, like a rubber band snapping back.
Energy always flows downhill. Maybe the volcanic eruption is downhill, since the lava cools, right? Weather is a big example of downhill, or vortex energy in nature. High pressure flows to low. Look at satellite images of hurricanes. A huge example of “downhill” implosive vortex energy flow, high pressure flowing into really low. Ma Nature is smart, she likes to work downhill a LOT of the time. Today, I realized we are using what can be called “downhill” principles with the Gadgetman Groove, SnakeOil, and in the Extra tips too. By directly or indirectly using the downhill Gradient of energy, I came to the idea, that Less is More. Less equals More Efficient.
Examples: with the Groove, we hold back some of the incoming air, at just the right time in the 4 stroke engine cycle. This results in less air pressure the fuel is exposed to, at just the Right time. So less air pressure causes more complete fuel vaporization, but then the pressure spikes when the Groove releases the rolling vortex of air, again at just the Right time. This pressure spike acts in equalization of the lower initial pressure, and increases full mixing of the oxygen in the air with the fuel. This in turn, gives more efficient combustion, boosting power and economy, and less emissions. God Bless the Genius Ron Hatton!
Next: with the SnakeOil products, its all about Less Friction. Less friction whether in an engine, transmission, axle, power steering, cooling system, or even fuel system, is Very Good. Friction, obviously wastes energy and causes wear and tear in any mechanical system. With less friction, the engine doesn't have to work “uphill” as hard, so it uses less fuel, and everything lasts longer. Less energy used is More Money potentially in the pocket, plus lower repair costs too.
The Extra tips: first one, remove unneeded weight from the car or truck. Needs no explanation. Tire pressure: by setting or increasing tire pressure to the recommended maximum, there is less rolling resistance to move the vehicle. Again, the engine won't work as hard to get to the desired speed.
Ignition system: For engines that have older style ignitions with spark plug cables, switching to low resistance cables means less resistance to current flow to the plugs, for a stronger spark, for better combustion and more fuel efficiency. Same goes for replacing old, and upgrading to higher quality or newer technology spark plugs, and distributor caps/rotors as needed. Increasing spark plug gaps, means the spark energy is slightly delayed. This means, the same energy release in LESS time. Again, more efficient combustion, better power and economy potential. And Again, your gas engine won't work as hard “uphill”.
Adding ground wires and insulation to the Exhaust pipes:
It's murkier to say Less is More here, but these two work too. Adding ground wires between the pipes and frame or body underside, gives the slight electrical charge which builds inside the pipes from the hot electrically charged exhaust gas, a “way out” of the system. This can also improve grounding to the O2 Sensors, improving their function. The special Steam Pipe insulation sold by buyinsulationproductstore.com is inexpensive and effective.
By first grounding, then insulating the exhaust pipes, the heat in the exhaust stream is kept higher than otherwise would be. This higher heat causes the exhaust to move down the system at higher velocity. This in turn, means less pumping losses (read: less energy loss) for the engine AND better volumetric efficiency.
All that means, the exhaust gets out of each cylinder faster and helps “pull in” the incoming air/fuel charge of the intake stroke. PLUS: we believe that keeping the system hotter, keeps the catalytic converter running in it's optimal heat range better. That, (ESPECIALLY with engines that get the Groove) in turn, keeps the “tattletale” downstream O2 Sensor less likely to signal the Computer to add more fuel.
So, to summarize, as I've been saying for some time now- we use Physics principles in all our work and products. When we reduce inefficiency and losses from various sources, we get a more efficiently running car or truck. LESS losses is MORE money in your pocket, with lower costs! It has been proven over and over. These ideas work in smaller engines too, and even in other kinds of machines. If it uses a kind of oil or lubricant, we can help. Ongoing research in other fields is showing great promise too. We will soon release a new product name. So, make your vehicle more efficient. Think of how Less can be More for you! Send comments or questions to me at service@gadgetmantechnologies.com or call me at 775 544-7692. I've been helping people with this stuff for almost 12 years now.
Tracy Gallaway
Gadgetman Technologies operation director
(775) 544-7692
Also for this Holiday Season, the Gadgetman Technologies Team wants to wish you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!
After 3 years of manufacturing and selling thousands of our SnakeOil products, we haven't had a single bad comment! Therefore, we're confident you will be happy with any of the SnakeOil products!
Whether you did purchase SnakeOil or not, we are launching the Winter 2024 sale with a discount coupon code for the whole SnakeOil line of products, for new and returning customers.
So at checkout when ordering the SnakeOil, don't forget to use the "SOWinter2024" coupon code. This code gives you a 20% discount off the regular price on all SnakeOil for Vehicles and the Big Rigs line of products.
There are no shipping fees in the USA for any $150. or more orders.
This "SOWinter2024" coupon code is good until February 28th 2024 included.
You can order the SnakeOil directly here: https://snakeoil.wtf/products/
SnakeOil products start at just $29.00
And again, we're wishing a Happy Holiday Season to you!
Thank you